Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Atlanta, Bonita Springs, and Beyond!

Hello all -

Sorry it's been a while. Things are ramping up for our move and we are pretty darn busy, but I wanted to check in with you all and share our latest adventures.

Glenn spent a good part of the second week of January at a national meeting in Atlanta. This is the inside of his hotel, which is also, in case you couldn't guess, CNN's headquarters.

His room overlooked the site of the Atlanta Olympic games.

And, upon closer inspection, you'll note the American Cancer Society's headquarters.

Yep, it's the big silver building in the foreground.
It turned out to be an even cooler view at night.

The following weekend, Glenn and I headed to Bonita Springs - about a 2 1/2 hour drive from here - to visit my parents on their vacation. As you can imagine, they are staying in a very sketchy neighborhood.

This is their building. (Photo credits - note, I am supplementing this blog with some of my dad's pictures. Thanks, Sir!)

And a shot of their lovely living room...

We took a walk along the beach, which is right across the street, and attempted our first family selfie.

Not bad, eh?
The beach, as you can see, was terribly packed with noisy and obnoxious tourists.

We also got to see the fitness center, which does not look like a bad place to work out.

We even saw a turtle headed to the gym.

Anyway, we had a wonderful time. One of the places they took us during the weekend was a trip to the Koreshan Settlement. I'll let the sign explain it:

The grounds were very pretty, with lots of neat old historic buildings.

The planetarium.
One of the settler's homes. My dad said I should post this on Facebook as our new house.

And here's a pic of my dad taking a picture of my mom. :-)

So wow. Long blog post. See what happens when I don't stay on top of this?

Anyway, signing off for now. I may be a sporadic blogger over the next weeks as we try to pack, move out, move in and decorate / furnish the new place. Hope you all are well.

Best from the beach!

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