Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Adventures

Hi Everyone, and Happy Easter!

Hope you had a lovely holiday weekend.  We did.

Before I start on the weekend, I will once again share my favorite pics from Lake Carillon.

First, this pic is a little blurry, but it isn't often I come upon a singing alligator.

"HELLO My honey, hello my baby, hello my RAGTIME GALLLLL!"

Another gator decided to snuggle up close to the boardwalk, which let me get a closer shot than usual.

I hope you aren't getting sick of alligators yet, because I really like them.

In other news, I had another close encounter with my crazy heron friend.

"What the hell are you lookin' at?!"
Also, during one of our evening walks, we discovered a cat on a hot tin roof.

So Friday night, we went to Oystercatchers which is always a nice spot for a meal and a sunset.

On the way home, we saw a pretty moonrise.

Sorry for all the selfies - it was a full moon!
Saturday morning, we once again decided to get up early to try to fish, and were rewarded with another beautiful morning.

And yes, we caught a couple fish!

Not sure what kind of fish this is.
Another very active Ladyfish. This one did jump out of the water as I was bringing her in.
We also were visited by a family of manatees. I think this might have been the little one.

Easter Sunday we had a great time at Merylyn's house with Chad and Lisha and Chad's family. Here, Chad and Lisha received their Easter gifts, which were Australian hats made out of possum hair. I am not making that up.

Sadly, when we got home, we discovered our house festooned with garbage, as Deuce somehow got the cupboard open and decided to take vengeance on us for being gone too long.

Evil Dog. And yet, during the day, he seemed so content.

So anyway, that's about it for us. Here are some Easter flowers for you all.

Love you all! Take care!

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