Happy Memorial Day! I hope you all are enjoying fun picnics and festivities and well, no...we aren't are we? Ah well. At least we are all hopefully safe at home.
It's a cloudy, rainy day here, which is kinda a bummer, but I got my walk in - and it was relatively cool, and Glenn took an extra long bike ride.
I have a bunch of pictures to share...sorry it has been a while. For some crazy reason, my work has actually picked up and I've been busier than usual. I count myself as very fortunate.
I was just doing the math and we've been in quarantine for 73 days now. But Glenn and I are lucky to be stuck in a sunny and beautiful place.
So, here we go - a random assortment of pictures.
Some folks get creative around here with their mailboxes. |
This one's a little hard to see, but it's hanging from a branch like a swing. |
And a random note from a rock. |
Love this house's tropical garden. |
Here's a weird little flower bud saying "Hi". (Waves)
Two days in a row I saw this giant gator - not at a park or anything but laying in someone's back yard. I named him Samson and have not seen him since. I was quite far away, so these are pretty blurry, but you can tell he's a big fella.
So...what else? Well, I see a lot of birds.
This is a Muscovy duck. They are not real attractive. |
And here's three of them. |
This is an Ibis. They have funny faces. |
Here's an osprey...we see them often, and hear them even more. They have a very distinct cry.
These pics would be better if I carried my superzoom camera around with me but it's pretty cumbersome, so I just use my phone.
This is a bad pic, but I think you can at least tell it is a bald eagle and he's pretty darn big. I think he had his head ducked down to clean himself or maybe he is camera shy.
And here's some other wildlife.
Shot on our porch. The biggest spider ever. Nope, nope, nope. |
This is a jacaranda tree - it has these beautiful purple blossoms and smells fantastic. |
I think this is a mango tree in someone's yard. The fruit will turn green and then fall off. |
This is a pretty view toward the bay down a little side street I walk on. |
I love the big porch and old southern charm of this one. |
And look at this little cutie. Neat as a pin. |
This is our latest one to bloom and it still has a bunch of buds to go. |
I now will interrupt this blog post with some cute pics of the doggos.
Deuce sticking his tongue out at me. |
Eva looking like a supermodel. SHE'S SO PRETTY. |
Last weekend, we drove to Indian Rocks beach to blow the dust off Stella. We did not actually go onto the beach with the humans, but we stopped in a parking lot, breathed in some salty air, and snapped a couple pics.
Water looks beautiful! |
Out in the world! |
Here was one dinner I made.
And here is a meal we got from Marker 39 for take out - the Cuban pork crisis. I really love the fried plantains.
So yesterday, we took a nice bike ride to the Bay and back. Glenn had gotten his new helmet a few weeks ago.
I said he has to wear it all the time. Even when he's just walking around. :-) |
And here's Glenn with his new bike. (It's pretty cool.)
Here are some sunrise pics he got on one of his recent rides.
And finally, to wrap things up, sleeping puppies. You're welcome.
Love you all! Hang in there, everyone!